Montana Creek is famous for its fishing: Grayling, Rainbow Trout, Dolly Varden, King Salmon, Silver Salmon, Pink Salmon.
Visit the Alaska Department of Fish and Game’s Sport Fishing Regulations page for more information on Montana Creek. Select “Southcentral, Susitna Drainage”, then “Unit 2.” or you can click here Here. Get your Fishing Permit online at ADF&G link Here. Once you've reached your limit, Montana Creek Campground offers other activities, too.
Think you've got what it takes to reel in a winner? Enter the fishing derby Humpy Derby: Kids can reel in winners, too! Sponsored by Montana Creek Campground , the derby is for kids only under 16 years of age. Previous prizes have included: bicycles, fishing poles, taxidermy mounting of biggest humpy caught, tents, toys and games. The Humpy Derby takes place the second weekend of August. The money raised from entry fees goes to support Upper Susitna Valley Food Pantry and Sunshine Foodbank.